Browser bypasses put Google in privacy cross hairs

Privacy advocates, lawyers and powerful rival Microsoft were piling on Google on Tuesday for sidestepping Web browsing software to tailor ads for people signed into its online services.

How private is your browser's privacy mode?

A forensic analysis of the so-called "private" browsing modes of the most popular web browsers, Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera, reveals that the Microsoft product tested in this research ...

Internet ".xxx" district opens to website makers

An Internet version of a red light district opened on Tuesday as Web addresses with ".xxx" endings became available for purchase by those interested in providing online adult content.

Google Chrome extensions to be officially released

( -- Google is expected to release its Extensions Gallery for general users of the new Chrome browser this week, possibly at the Add-On Conference on browser extensions to be held on December 11, 2009. Google ...

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