Google to launch online music service: report

Internet giant Google could launch an online music service as early as Tuesday to rival Amazon's "cloud" service, which allows users to store digital music online, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Mozilla unleashes sleek new Firefox Web browser

A fast, sleek new version of Firefox was released on Wednesday to vie Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) and Google Chrome in the fiercely competitive market for Web browsing software.

Firefox backs 'Do Not Track' with online stealth

As concern about online privacy grows, Mozilla is promising to let people cloak Internet activity in free Firefox Web browsing software being released early next year.

Microsoft unveils new privacy feature for IE

An upcoming version of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer browser will let users add lists of sites that they don't want tracking them, a peace offering amid uproar over the sneaky ways that websites watch their users as ...

Andreessen's venture fund nears $1 billion

(AP) -- A venture capital fund run by Internet browser pioneer Marc Andreessen and his longtime business partner, Ben Horowitz, has raised another $650 million as the firm looks for opportunities in technology startups.

Google executive pushes privacy concerns

(AP) -- Google's global privacy counsel says he's surprised by how few people choose to control what ads are steered their way - a tool which the Internet search giant launched, albeit with minimal fanfare, over the past ...

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