'Hackers take down' Palestinian servers

Hackers from around the world have attacked Palestinian servers, cutting Internet service across the West Bank and Gaza, the Palestinian communications minister said on Tuesday.

US curbs on online poker compared to Prohibition

A former US senator who now represents poker players compared US efforts to curb online gambling to Prohibition on Tuesday as he argued for legislation that would allow Internet gaming.

Major online poker room ordered to halt operations

One of the largest online poker rooms, Full Tilt Poker, was ordered Wednesday to immediately halt operations by authorities on the Channel Island of Alderney, where it is registered, the regulator said.

11 charged in US crackdown on online poker

Eleven people have been charged with bank fraud, money laundering, illegal gambling and other offenses in a crackdown on the three largest online poker companies operating in the United States.

Businesses fall prey to cyberthieves' cunning

Among the growing ranks of consumers, business owners and others being lured by the convenience of online banking are legions of cybercrooks who have found the technology a convenient way to steal from unsuspecting victims.

Internet banking surges in southeast Asia

Online banking sites in Southeast Asia saw a sharp rise in users last year, as institutions grew more Internet-savvy and customers got used to paying their bills on the web, research showed on Wednesday.

Dozens charged in NY in global computer virus scam

(AP) -- Hackers in eastern Europe who used computer viruses to steal usernames and passwords teamed up with foreign students who opened bank accounts in the U.S. to snatch at least $3 million from American bank accounts, ...

Banking on benefits

People make the decision to use internet banking either because they recognize the benefits or because of peer pressure but rarely because of perceived prestige or celebrity endorsement, a study published in the International ...

Beware online knights in shining armor, US Army warns

Online scammers are posing as US serviceman posted overseas and promising love and marriage to cheat women out of thousands of dollars, the US Army's Criminal Investigation Command has warned.

New bank tries to steer deals in technology, media

(AP) -- Code Advisors bills itself as a "next-generation" investment bank, but what it really wants to be is the deftest traffic cop at the raucous intersection of technology and media.

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