New York Times website restored after hacker attack

The popular New York Times website returned to service Wednesday after hackers forced it down for nearly a day, with a group backing Syria's government claiming responsibility.

New NSA spying allegations rile European allies (Update)

The Obama administration faced a breakdown in confidence Sunday from key foreign allies who threatened investigations and sanctions against the U.S. over secret surveillance programs that reportedly installed covert listening ...

Answers to your questions about massive cyberattack

Here are some answers to questions about perhaps the biggest cyberattack ever, which recently targeted Spamhaus, an anti-spam group based in Geneva and London. It ended up slowing down or blocking access to numerous Internet ...

China military rejects hacking allegations

China's defence ministry Wednesday rebuffed a report linking its People's Liberation Army to sophisticated cyberattacks on US firms, saying there was no internationally agreed definition of hacking.

US Fed acknowledges computer system hacked

The Federal Reserve acknowledged Wednesday its computer systems were accessed by hackers but said the incident did not affect the central bank's "critical operations."

UN offers support against 'cyberterrorism'

The United Nations published Monday a report offering guidance and support to countries on tackling "terrorists" who use the Internet to plan attacks, recruit and disseminate propaganda.

HSBC websites hit by cyber attack

Banking giant HSBC said Friday some of its websites had been hit by a "large scale" cyber attack that disrupted online services, but it assured customers that their data were not compromised.

Swedish government to crack down on hackers

The Swedish government said on Thursday it planned to crack down on hackers, at a time when the sex assault allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made the country a target of repeated cyber attacks.

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