Resilience, not abstinence, may help teens battle online risk

Boosting teenagers' ability to cope with online risks, rather than trying to stop them from using the Internet, may be a more practical and effective strategy for keeping them safe, according to a team of researchers.

China gives parents control of kids' online gaming

Chinese authorities have ordered online video game operators to allow parents to monitor their children's playing sessions as part of a nationwide crackdown on the growing problem of Internet addiction.

S.Korea to offer software to fight web addiction

South Korea will offer gamers and other Internet addicts free software from next year to limit the time they spend on the web, the prime minister's office said on Tuesday.

Chinese teen internet addict dies after rehab

A Chinese teen has died after spending less than 48 hours at a centre that treats internet addicts, shining a spotlight on the controversial facilities that seek to unlatch people from their screens.

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