Soyuz crew ready for heavy space station workload

The trio of unseasoned astronauts that will fly to the International Space Station this week say they are undaunted by the initial busy workload of their six-month mission.

Astronauts searching for life—underground

Astronauts dream of finding new life and for a select crew that dream might be within reach this week—albeit deep underground instead of in outer space.

Dragon makes history with space station docking

The private company SpaceX made history Friday with the docking of its Dragon capsule to the International Space Station, the most impressive feat yet in turning routine spaceflight over to the commercial sector.

US museum to welcome space shuttle Discovery

Discovery on Thursday will become the first spaceship of the retired US shuttle fleet to enter its permanent home as a museum artifact, marking a solemn end to the 30-year US space flight program.

Dragon expected to set historic course

( -- The upcoming launch of a SpaceX spacecraft and rocket on a demonstration flight to the International Space Station is expected to cross a key milestone on the path to operational, commercial missions.

Advanced communications testbed for Space Station

( -- New and improved ways for future space travelers to communicate will be tested on the International Space Station.  The SCaN Testbed, or Space Communications and Navigation Testbed - designed and built ...

Researchers complete 520-day mock mission to Mars

(AP) -- Pale but smiling, an international crew of researchers on Friday walked out of a set of windowless modules after a grueling 520-day simulation of a flight to Mars.

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