Making methane on Mars

Among the many challenges with a Mars voyage, one of the most pressing is: How can you get enough fuel for the spacecraft to fly back to Earth?

New crew reaches ISS in record time

A three-person crew successfully reached the International Space Station on Wednesday aboard a Russian rocket after the fastest ever journey from Earth of just over three hours.

How COVID-19 could impact travel for years to come

In late 2019, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) published its "Economic Performance of the Airline Industry" report. It contained a 2020 forecast of 4.1 percent growth in global air traffic demand and net ...

Coronavirus lockdowns increase poaching in Asia, Africa

A camera trap photo of an injured tigress and a forensic examination of its carcass revealed why the creature died: a poacher's wire snare punctured its windpipe and sapped its strength as the wound festered for days.

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