Whales targeted by Japan face extinction threat

One of three species Japan has targeted in resuming commercial whaling Monday is threatened with extinction, and sub-populations of the other two are severely depleted as well, according to experts.

Japan aims to resume Antarctic whaling later this year

Japan says it plans to resume whale hunts in the Antarctic later this year, even though the International Whaling Commission says Tokyo hasn't proven that the mammals need to be killed for research.

'Stinky whale' whiff wafts over whaling talks

Between explosive diplomatic quarrels and pressing animal welfare concerns, world whaling talks came up against an unusual challenge this week, that of "stinky whales".

New map unlocks deep digital data of Antarctica's history

GeoMAP Antarctica, an open-access and comprehensive geological mapping database of Antarctica, was released May 18 in the journal Scientific Data. Understanding Antarctica's geosphere is, and has been, critical for understanding ...

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