The zero gravity coffee cup

High above our planet in the realm of satellites and space stations, the familiar rules of Earth do not apply. The midday sky is as black as night. There is no up and no down. Dropped objects do not fall, and hot air does ...

Tamed Dragon supply ship arrives at space station (Update)

A private Earth-to-orbit delivery service made good on its latest shipment to the International Space Station on Sunday, overcoming mechanical problems and delivering a ton of supplies with high-flying finesse.

SpaceX company fixes Dragon capsule problem (Update)

Flight controllers managed to gain control of a commercial craft carrying a ton of supplies for the International Space Station after it ran into thruster trouble shortly after liftoff, but the earliest the Dragon capsule ...

Second SpaceX Space Station resupply flight ready to go

(—The second International Space Station Commercial Resupply Services flight by Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is set for liftoff at 10:10 a.m. EST on March 1 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral ...

SpaceX Dragon capsule launched to space station

A commercial cargo ship rocketed into orbit Sunday in pursuit of the International Space Station, the first of a dozen supply runs under a mega-contract with NASA.

SpaceX set for first NASA-contracted supply mission

US firm SpaceX aims for its next big launch into orbit Sunday—the first of 12 flights in its $1.6 billion contract with NASA to bring supplies to and from the international space station.

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