EU accepts IBM concessions in antitrust probe

(AP) -- The European Union's competition watchdog says it has accepted concessions made by IBM to make it easier for rivals to perform maintenance on its mainframe computers and is closing its investigation of the company.

For a pioneer of technology, 100 years of 'Think'

Google, Apple and Facebook get all the attention. But the forgettable everyday tasks of technology - saving a file on your laptop, swiping your ATM card to get 40 bucks, scanning a gallon of milk at the checkout line - that's ...

IBM could shake up Silicon Valley with Sun deal (Update 2)

(AP) -- If IBM Corp. scoops up Sun Microsystems Inc. for at least $6.5 billion in cash, as the companies are discussing, IBM would be making an opportunistic grab for a deep well of technology that Sun has nearly buried ...

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