NASA's new mineral dust detector readies for launch

Each year, strong winds carry more than a billion metric tons—or the weight of 10,000 aircraft carriers—of mineral dust from Earth's deserts and other dry regions through the atmosphere. While scientists know that the ...

Houston, we're here to help the farmers

Farmers irrigating their crops may soon be getting some help from space. In 2018, scientists launched ECOSTRESS, a new instrument now attached to the International Space Station. Its mission: to gather data on how plants ...

Climate plans would allow up to 2.6C of global warming: UN

Country climate pledges leave the world on track to heat by as much as 2.6 degrees Celsius this century, the United Nations said on Wednesday, warning that emissions must fall 45 percent this decade to limit disastrous global ...

Image: Voyage around Earth

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this picture from the International Space Station and commented: "Today the International Space Station completed its 100 000th orbit of our beautiful planet Earth! An amazing feat of science, ...

Weightlessness increases astronauts' body temperature

Astronauts float weightlessly in space, and the condition of weightlessness is something many would love to experience. However, in addition to producing both physical and psychological stress, a trip into space affects the ...

NASA's BurstCube passes milestones on journey to launch

Scientists and engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, have completed testing for BurstCube, a shoebox-sized spacecraft designed to study the universe's most powerful explosions. Members of ...

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