Study suggests catalyst for human brain evolution

More than a million years ago, large chunks of the human genome were rearranged—a chance event during egg or sperm formation that led to the deletion, duplication, or reversal of sections of DNA. Those structural variants, ...

NASA says 2013 will be a year of science on the space station

Right before Christmas, a Russian rocket carrying three astronauts - one American, one Russian and one Canadian - launched from a chilly spaceport in Kazakhstan to begin a five-month mission to the International Space Station.

Theory sheds light on efficient hydrogen peroxide synthesis

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an industrially important chemical with versatile applications. However, the traditional method used to produce H2O2 is energy intensive and produces significant emissions.

Exotic electronic effect found in 2D topological material

Jülich researchers have been able to demonstrate an exotic electronic state, so-called Fermi Arcs, for the first time in a 2D material. The surprising appearance of Fermi arcs in such a material provides a link between novel ...

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