3Qs: The current state of climate change science

Earlier this week, the public learned the details of the upcoming fifth assessment report (or, "AR5") of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international body whose mandate is not to do new ...

Humble plants may save the planet

Marine ecologists call them seagrass meadows. They once wrapped Australia's coastline providing sanctuary and food for dugongs and turtles, habitats for fish to breed and myriad other ecosystem services such as nutrient recycling ...

Major study assesses sea level changes due to ice sheet losses

(Phys.org) —Improved satellite measurements and computer simulations of ice sheets are creating a more accurate picture of the current and future rise in global sea level, according to an international team of climate experts ...

Don't pin US tornado on climate change, UN panel head says

Pinning the deadly tornado in the US state of Oklahoma on climate change is wrongheaded, even though the world is set to see a rise in high-profile weather disasters due to global warming, the leader of a UN body said Tuesday.

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