Malaria parasites form vortices

The disease of malaria is triggered by single-celled parasites that accumulate in large groups in the salivary glands of mosquitoes before transmission to human beings. The limited space there prevents them from actually ...

In-fridge controller could scale up quantum computers

A collaboration between computer scientists and physicists at the University of Chicago broke through one of the key obstacles for large-scale quantum computing by figuring out how to move their control signals "inside the ...

Unexpected benefits from food competitors

A research team at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology has found that gravid tobacco hawkmoths (Manduca sexta) show an unusual preference for Datura plants that are already infested with leaf beetles when laying ...

Natural hazards threaten 57% of US structures

More than half of the structures in the contiguous United States are exposed to potentially devastating natural hazards—such as floods, tornadoes and wildfires—according to a new study in the AGU journal Earth's Future, ...

CRISPR discovery paves the way for novel COVID-19 testing method

Most conventional molecular diagnostics usually detect only a single disease-related biomarker. Great examples are the PCR tests currently used to diagnose COVID-19 by detecting a specific sequence from SARS-CoV-2. Such so-called ...

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