First integrated laser on lithium niobate chip

For all the recent advances in integrated lithium niobate photonic circuits—from frequency combs to frequency converters and modulators—one big component has remained frustratingly difficult to integrate: lasers.

Why natural networks are more stable than man-made networks

( —Interconnected natural networks, such as the ones formed by neurons in the brain, are known to be more stable and resilient to failure than networks created by humans, such as the Internet. Now, a group of international ...

Needle beam could eliminate signal loss in on-chip optics

(—An international, Harvard-led team of researchers have demonstrated a new type of light beam that propagates without spreading outwards, remaining very narrow and controlled along an unprecedented distance. This ...

Transforming computers of the future with optical interconnects

The ability to manufacture photonic interconnect components -- modulators, detectors, waveguides, and filters -- on silicon substrates has finally been realized, and these optical interconnect structures show great potential ...

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