A better trigger for targeted drug delivery

Biomolecular 'nanocarriers' formed by the careful assembly of protein subunits are common in nature and perform a range of essential roles in biological processes, powered by the biological energy carrier adenosine-5'-triphosphate ...

Humanoid robot that sees and maps

(Phys.org) —Computer vision algorithms that enable Samsung's latest humanoid robot, Roboray, to build real-time 3D visual maps to move around more efficiently have been developed by researchers from the University of Bristol.

Automated 'coach' could help with social interactions (w/ Video)

Social phobias affect about 15 million adults in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and surveys show that public speaking is high on the list of such phobias. For some people, these fears ...

Clickable history

(Phys.org) —Geographic information systems – once limited to the domain of physical geographers – are emerging as a promising tool to study the past, as researchers are discovering for medieval history.

Scientists use nano-rods to investigate how matter assembles

(Phys.org) —In the microscopic world, everything is in motion: atoms and molecules vibrate, proteins fold, even glass is a slow flowing liquid. And during each movement there are interactions between the smallest elements ...

Fleeing Facebook: Study examines why users quit

With more than a billion active accounts worldwide, it can be easy to forget that some people don't use Facebook. In fact, "non-use" of the social networking site is fairly common – one-third of Facebook users take breaks ...

Technology for dogs to assist humans in the home

A team at The Open University is designing dog-friendly technologies which will help animals and people to work together in their homes. They will present the significance of this approach in a paper at the ACM SIGCHI Conference ...

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