The atmosphere of an exoplanet reveals secrets about its surface

As astronomers have begun to gather data on the atmospheres of planets, we're learning about their compositions and evolution. Thick atmospheres are the easiest to study, but these same thick atmospheres can hide the surface ...

How will EarthCARE mission shed light on clouds?

In around six months, ESA's Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer mission will take to the skies to advance our understanding of the interactions between clouds, aerosols and radiation in Earth's atmosphere. But how ...

How a gut microbe causes flies to live fast and die young

RIKEN researchers have uncovered how one species of gut bacteria causes fruit flies to perish early. This discovery illuminates the complex interactions between the microbes in our guts and our health.

Researchers use AI to explore potential zoonotic diseases

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of closely monitoring viruses that could infect humans. In the early stages of the pandemic, Timothée Poisot and his colleagues were already developing an algorithm for predicting ...

Why are networks stable? Researchers solve a 50-year-old puzzle

A single species invades an ecosystem causing its collapse. A cyberattack on the power system causes a major breakdown. These types of events are always on our minds, yet they rarely result in such significant consequences. ...

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