Image: Hubble observes galaxies' evolution in slow motion

It is known today that merging galaxies play a large role in the evolution of galaxies and the formation of elliptical galaxies in particular. However there are only a few merging systems close enough to be observed in depth. ...

The 'Eye of Sauron'

( -- Spiral galaxy NGC 4151 is dubbed the "Eye of Sauron" for its similarity to the malevolent eye in "The Lord of the Rings."

The universe caught suppressing cosmic structure growth

As the universe evolves, scientists expect large cosmic structures to grow at a certain rate: dense regions such as galaxy clusters would grow denser, while the void of space would grow emptier.

A galactic rose highlights Hubble's 21st anniversary

( -- In celebration of the 21st anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope’s deployment into space, astronomers pointed Hubble at an especially photogenic group of interacting galaxies called Arp 273.

Hubble views broad and sweeping spiral galaxy NGC 4731

This new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the broad and sweeping spiral galaxy NGC 4731. It lies in the constellation Virgo and is located 43 million light-years from Earth. This highly detailed image ...

Uncovering the origins of galaxies' halos

Using the Subaru Telescope atop Maunakea, researchers have identified 11 dwarf galaxies and two star-containing halos in the outer region of a large spiral galaxy 25 million light-years away from Earth. The findings, published ...

Hubble spots an irregular island in a sea of space

This image, courtesy of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), captures the glow of distant stars within NGC 5264, a dwarf galaxy located just over 15 million light-years away in the constellation ...

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