How pesticides change the environment

The number of humans on the planet has almost doubled in the past 50 years ‒ and so has global food production. As a result, the use of pesticides and their effect on humans, animals and plants have become more important. ...

Can factory chicken really help save the climate?

Stephane Dahirel doesn't exactly say eat chicken and save the planet, but that is what he's hinting at as he opens a shed door on his intensive farm in Brittany, western France.

Deforestation threatens Brazil's wetland sanctuary

The Pantanal, a stunning biodiversity sanctuary in central-western Brazil, is threatened by intensive farming and deforestation, a leading environmental group warned as the world marked World Wetlands Day on Thursday.

Soil is the key to Earth's history (and future)

The English language is full of phrases—from "bogged down" to "feet of clay" and "dirt cheap"—that reflect how we appreciate the diversity of soil, but value it little.

Study reveals true cost of farming to UK economy

The British landscape is not being used to its best advantage according to a new report from environmental economists from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Research published today in the journal Science shows that allowing ...

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