Rare birth of Asiatic cheetah cubs in Iran

An Asiatic cheetah gave birth to three "healthy" cubs in Iran, the head of the environment department said Sunday, calling it a first in captivity for the endangered species.

Smartwatches connect intensive care doctors and their patients

Researchers have come up with a way to link a smartwatch to the metabolic monitors used with patients in intensive care. If the sensors – which were developed at EPFL – detect an anomaly, the doctor on duty receives an ...

With attention on virus, Amazon deforestation surges

It has not gotten much attention with the world focused on coronavirus, but deforestation has surged in the Amazon rainforest this year, raising fears of a repeat of last year's record-breaking devastation—or worse.

Germs in space: Preventing infection on long flights

(Phys.org)—On a long spaceflight unique conditions including microgravity could give microbes the upper hand, but not if astronauts and their spacecrafts are properly prepared. In a new paper, infectious disease expert ...

Herpes virus hijackers

The virus responsible for the common cold sore hijacks the machinery within our cells, causing them to break down and help shield the virus from our immune system, researchers from the University of Cambridge and colleagues ...

A novel peptide to rapidly kill multidrug-resistant bacteria

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) that can effectively and quickly kill a notorious multidrug-resistant bacterium called Acinetobacter baumannii.

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