Tree rows in modern agriculture reduce damage to environment

Alley cropping is the agricultural practice of planting rows, or alleys, of trees in fields of crops. According to a new study by an international, multidisciplinary research team led by the University of Göttingen, this ...

Climate change likely to uproot more Amazon trees

Tropical forests are crucial for sucking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But they're also subject to intense storms that can cause "windthrow"—the uprooting or breaking of trees. These downed trees decompose, potentially ...

Glassy and reactive: Plants are more dynamic than you think

Is the inside of a plant cell more like a liquid or a solid? While this may sound like an odd question, research carried out at the University of Amsterdam demonstrates it can be either, depending on how much light you shine ...

Producing fertilizer without carbon emissions

Researchers at ETH Zurich and the Carnegie Institution for Science have shown how nitrogen fertilizer could be produced more sustainably. This is necessary not only to protect the climate, but also to reduce dependence on ...

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