NSA claims ability to ensure no illegal spying (Update)

The supersecret agency with the power and legal authority to gather electronic communications worldwide to hunt U.S. adversaries says it has the technical know-how to ensure it's not illegally spying on Americans.

US spy chief: Plot against Wall Street foiled

The U.S. foiled a plot to bomb the New York Stock Exchange because of the sweeping surveillance programs at the heart of a debate over national security and personal privacy, officials said Tuesday at a rare open hearing ...

Justice Department is venue for Obama NSA speech

The White House says President Barack Obama will travel to the Justice Department to announce the results of his review of National Security Agency surveillance programs.

US agency reveals more secrets after court order (Update)

The Obama administration has given up more of its surveillance secrets, acknowledging that it was ordered to stop scooping up thousands of Internet communications from Americans with no connection to terrorism—a practice ...

Countering social influence and persuasion of extremist groups

Social media has become a vital channel for terrorist groups to share news and seduce new members. The recent, notable successes of ISIS in the U.S. and Europe have demonstrated that terror groups can successfully use this ...

Current, former officials back secret surveillance

Current and former top U.S. officials on Sunday defended the government's collection of phone and Internet data following new revelations about the secret surveillance programs, saying the operations were essential in disrupting ...

US, China to cooperate more on cyber threat

(AP) -- Asserting that cyberattacks against the U.S. don't come only from China, the U.S. and Chinese defense ministers said they agreed Monday to work together on cyber issues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to ...

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