NSA phone data control may come to end

A senior administration official says President Barack Obama will call for stripping the National Security Agency's ability to store phone data from millions of Americans.

Ex-CIA boss: Telecoms should store metadata, not NSA

Telephone "metadata" controversially scooped up by a US intelligence agency should not be destroyed but stored by private telecom giants, a former CIA chief said Tuesday days before President Barack Obama announces new reforms.

Obama nearing a decision on intelligence review

President Barack Obama is hosting a series of meetings this week with lawmakers, privacy advocates and intelligence officials as he nears a final decision on changes to the government's controversial surveillance programs.

Obama to meet with lawmakers, intel leaders on NSA

President Barack Obama is inviting lawmakers and intelligence officials to the White House to discuss National Security Agency programs as Obama prepares to unveil what changes he's prepared to make to the programs.

Report says NSA intercepts computer deliveries (Update)

A German magazine lifted the lid on the operations of the National Security Agency's hacking unit Sunday, reporting that American spies intercept computer deliveries, exploit hardware vulnerabilities, and even hijack Microsoft's ...

NSA: No better way to protect US than surveillance

The NSA chief said Wednesday he knows of no better way his agency can help protect the U.S. from foreign threats than with spy programs that collect billions of phone and Internet records from around the world.

Outcry over French bill giving wider access to personal data

An association grouping web giants such as Google and Facebook on Wednesday slammed the adoption in France of a bill that gives intelligence agencies wider access to personal data without prior authorisation from a judge.

Australia probes spy case at top science authority

Australian police and intelligence agencies were Tuesday investigating a suspected industrial espionage case at the country's top scientific organisation involving a Chinese national.

NSA violations compared to Obamacare website ills

The U.S. intelligence community's top lawyer on Tuesday defended the surveillance violations by staff of the National Security Agency by comparing programs that collect mass amounts of information on Americans to problems ...

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