UK wants Olympic site to rival Silicon Valley

(AP) -- Britain's prime minister wants London's Olympic Park to rival California's Silicon Valley as a place where world leading technology companies can do business, and on Thursday outlined ambitious plans to lure investors ...

Piracy vs. an open Internet

To avoid the reach of U.S. copyright laws, numerous online pirates have set up shop in countries less willing or able to enforce intellectual property rights. Policymakers agree that these "rogue" sites pose a real problem ...

Researchers need more knowledge in intellectual property law

A new doctoral thesis recommends increased awareness of intellectual property issues in the academic world in order to promote future research, says Caroline Pamp, researcher at the Department of Law, School of Business, ...

Will Judicial Judgment Change Cyberspace?

( -- The struggle of American courts to control the explosion of intellectual property rights violations on some of the most traveled highways of cyberspace poses a legal challenge to the judicial system with ...

Knockoffs can spark innovation, boost economy, law professor argues

(—Conventional wisdom holds that strong copyright and patent laws are necessary to encourage creativity. Without such protections, the thinking goes, competitors are free to steal ideas, create knockoffs and drain ...

MAPPING explores Internet's impact on society

Do you remember how the Millennium bug had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats some 15 years ago? If such a blackout occurred right now, we would immediately take stock of how much the Internet has become ubiquitous ...

Microsoft opens new cybercrime center

Microsoft said Thursday it has opened a new cybercrime center, using its resources to combat malware, intellectual property theft, child exploitation and other ills in cyberspace.

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