Self-rolled tubes make miniature electronics

(—With downscaling as one of the main pursuits in electronics research today, scientists and engineers are developing a variety of miniaturization strategies, from those involving powerful microscopes to self-assembly ...

Going Beyond Moore's Law by Using the Third Dimension

( -- Scientists have demonstrated a new microwire fabrication technique in which microwires self-assemble themselves in a three-dimensional template made of nematic liquid crystals. Amidst concerns about Moore’s ...

Latest 3D TV Technology Offers Interactive Control

( -- Three-dimensional TV is now closer than ever to becoming a reality for consumers, and the latest research is investigating the full extent of 3D TV’s possibilities. In a recent study, researchers at the ...

New, Unusual Semiconductor is a Switch-Hitter

( -- A research group in Germany has discovered a semiconducting material that can switch its semiconducting properties -- turning from one type of semiconductor to another -- via a simple change in temperature. ...

Internet Growth Follows Moore's Law Too

( -- Originally, Moore’s Law described the number of transistors that can fit on an integrated circuit, which doubles approximately every 18 months. Now, a team of researchers from China has discovered that ...

Shaping the future of light through reconfigurable metasurfaces

The technological advancement of optical lenses has long been a significant marker of human scientific achievement. Eyeglasses, telescopes, cameras, and microscopes have all literally and figuratively allowed us to see the ...

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