AI may be able to predict droughts a year in advance

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Sber have proposed deep learning models that predict droughts using climate data. Long-term forecasts of this kind are sought by agricultural producers planning their operations, ...

States beg insurers not to drop climate-threatened homes

In the coming years, climate change could force Americans from their homes, not just by raising sea levels, worsening wildfires and causing floods—but also by putting insurance coverage out of reach.

Wage insurance: A promising policy for displaced workers

Each year, millions of workers are displaced due to technological advancements, international competition, offshoring, and regulatory changes. These shifts can devastate workers, particularly those with specialized skills ...

Air quality alerts are a climate change alarm

The sky over Minnesota was the subject of fascination and frustration over the weekend. Awe over solar-storm triggered northern lights turned to "Aw, not again!" over an air quality alert sparked by smoke drifting from wildfires ...

Experts address gaps in Canada's proposed flood insurance program

A pair of University of Waterloo flood disaster experts have published an analysis on the federal government's national flood insurance program that finds the proposed plan can do more to make insurance abundant and affordable ...

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