IT researchers break anonymity of gene databases

DNA profiles can reveal a number of details about individuals, and even about their family members. There are laws in place that regulate the trade of gene data, which has become much simpler and cheaper to analyze today. ...

A hurricane shouldn't bankrupt your insurance company.

When a storm puts a tree branch through your roof, or a flood damages your foundation, you turn to your insurance company to pay for the repairs. And when it's only one, or two, or even 10 claims, insurance can cover the ...

Nobel-winning economist Kenneth J. Arrow dies at 95

Kenneth J. Arrow, the youngest-ever winner of a Nobel prize for economics, whose theories on risk, innovation and the basic mathematics of markets have influenced thinking on everything from voting to health insurance to ...

When does a man say 'I'm the father'?

American men much more readily acknowledge that they are the legal father of a child born out of wedlock when the woman involved is more affluent, educated, and healthy. It also helps (slightly) if the baby is a boy, says ...

Benefits of renting a home may be underrated

Renting rather than owning a home may not be as expensive as many people think, according to financial research from the University of Stirling.

New study estimates frequency of volcanic eruptions

Holidaymakers concerned about fresh volcanic eruptions causing flight-disrupting ash clouds might be reassured by a study setting out the first reliable estimates of their frequency.

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