Jobless benefits only reached a quarter of laid off workers

Only a quarter of workers who were laid off or furloughed at the height of the pandemic lockdown actually received timely unemployment benefit, according to a survey by Shift Project researchers at Harvard Kennedy School ...

Demographics data helps predict NY flood insurance claims

In flood-prone areas of the Hudson River valley in New York state, census areas with more white and affluent home owners tend to file a higher percentage of flood insurance claims than lower-income, minority residents, raising ...

COVID-19 is hitting tipped workers hard

Even prior to COVID-19, tipped workers suffered from the inadequacies of the United States' social safety net and minimum wage standards.

Experts measure the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Between March 21 and 28, as the country enacted quarantine measures, the United States experienced a 3,000% jump in joblessness claims. By the end of March, a stock market drop had wiped out all gains from the previous three ...

Video: SMOS monitoring droughts

In orbit for more than a decade, ESA's Earth Explorer satellite SMOS has not only exceeded its planned lifespan, but also surpassed its original scientific goals. Built to demonstrate new technology in space and address gaps ...

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