States beg insurers not to drop climate-threatened homes

In the coming years, climate change could force Americans from their homes, not just by raising sea levels, worsening wildfires and causing floods—but also by putting insurance coverage out of reach.

Video: SMOS monitoring droughts

In orbit for more than a decade, ESA's Earth Explorer satellite SMOS has not only exceeded its planned lifespan, but also surpassed its original scientific goals. Built to demonstrate new technology in space and address gaps ...

Spread-changing orders and deletions affect stock prices

The first rule on the stock market is to buy low and sell high. Economists are well aware of how this behaviour changes the prices of stocks, but in reality, trades alone don't tell the whole story. Parties like banks and ...

Hartz IV reform did not reduce unemployment in Germany

The Hartz IV reform of the German labor market has been one of the most controversial reforms in the history of the reunited Federal Republic of Germany. It has been widely seen as the end of the welfare state leading into ...

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