Nanotech weapon against chronic bacterial infections in hospitals

One of the scourges of infections in hospitals—biofilms formed by bacteria that stick to each other on living tissue and medical instruments, making them harder to remove—can be tricked into dispersing with the targeted ...

A pool at Yellowstone is a thumping thermometer

While the crowds swarm around Old Faithful to wait for its next eruption, a little pool just north of Yellowstone National Park's most famous geyser is quietly showing off its own unique activity, also at more-or-less regular ...

The electric atmosphere: Plasma is next NASA science target

Our day-to-day lives exist in what physicists would call an electrically neutral environment. Desks, books, chairs and bodies don't generally carry electricity and they don't stick to magnets. But life on Earth is substantially ...

NASA tracking Hurricane Olivia's track toward Hawaii

Hurricane Olivia moved from the Eastern Pacific into the Central Pacific and is expected to affect Hawaii. NASA's Aqua satellite the northeast and southwestern quadrants of the storm to be the most powerful on Sept. 10.

Image of Jupiter from a ground-based telescope

( -- This image of Jupiter and its moons Io and Ganymede was acquired by amateur astronomer Damian Peach on Sept. 12, 2010, when Jupiter was close to opposition. South is up and the "Great Red Spot" is visible ...

The orderly chaos of black holes

During the formation of a black hole, a bright burst of very energetic light in the form of gamma rays is produced, these events are called gamma ray bursts. The physics behind this phenomenon includes many of the least understood ...

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