NASA snow campaign wraps for 2021

As the last snow melts, NASA's SnowEx teams are packing up the snowshoes, skis, and scientific instruments they've used all winter to study snow in mountains and prairies. Now, they're turning their attention to a different ...

InSight Mars lander gets a power boost

The team behind NASA's InSight Mars lander has come up with an innovative way to boost the spacecraft's energy at a time when its power levels have been falling. The lander's robotic arm trickled sand near one solar panel, ...

Video: Bringing connectivity to the moon

As international teams across the world forge plans to revisit the moon, ESA is elaborating how best to facilitate this exploration.

Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) starts 5-year survey

A five-year quest to map the universe and unravel the mysteries of "dark energy" is beginning officially today, May 17, at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona. To complete its quest, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic ...

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