AOL integrates Facebook chat with AIM

(AP) -- As part of an ongoing effort to improve its user experience, Internet company AOL Inc. is letting users of its AIM instant-messaging service chat with friends on Facebook.

Google buys online collaboration startup

Online collaboration startup AppJet said that Google is buying the San Francisco firm and merging its technology with an innovation Wave communication platform the Internet giant is creating.

Google wants businesses to ride Wave

Google pitched its fledgling Wave communications platform as a way for businesses to turn routine email into collaborative exchanges that ramp up productivity.

Interoperability overdue for instant messaging

You would think it was crazy if your cell phone could call only people with phones on the same network. But we put up with that absurd situation when it comes to instant messaging -- and have for years. Worse, there's little ...

Yahoo! vows to fight Microsoft on new front

Yahoo! on Monday vowed to fight Microsoft on a new frontier, saying that having the software giant power its online searches won't stop it from battling for the devotion of Web surfers.

Review: Need advice? Aardvark can sniff it out

(AP) -- I like to get advice from friends on all sorts of things, and love to give it even more. In the past few years, instant messaging, e-mail and Twitter have sped up the process, but there's still room for improvement.

Indonesia bans 'gay' emojis on messaging apps

In the latest crackdown on gay rights in Indonesia, the government has demanded all instant messaging apps remove same-sex emoticons or face a ban in the Muslim-majority country.

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