Groups sue Mass. over newly expanded obscenity law

(AP) -- A coalition of booksellers and Internet content providers on Tuesday filed a federal lawsuit challenging an expansion of Massachusetts' obscenity law to include electronic communications that may be harmful to minors.

Pa. district took 56,000 images on student laptops

(AP) -- A suburban school district secretly captured at least 56,000 webcam photographs and screen shots from laptops issued to high school students, its lawyer acknowledged Monday.

Nokia N900 now available in US

Nokia today announced that the highly anticipated Nokia N900 is now on sale in the United States and shipping to consumers who jumped on the opportunity to be among the first to pre-order the Maemo-powered mobile computer. ...

Tech gadgets can be addictive

I've been thinking I need to take a break from technology. Not an extended one, mind you. I'm not planning on becoming some latter-day Thoreau and retreating to my own Walden Pond sans laptop, TV and smart-phone.

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