Indian officials to meet to decide BlackBerry ban

(AP) -- Indian authorities are scheduled to meet Monday evening to decide whether to ban some BlackBerry services in India, one day ahead of a government-imposed deadline for the device's maker Research In Motion Ltd. to ...

AOL sells ICQ instant messaging to Russia's DST

AOL said Wednesday it has sold ICQ, the top instant messaging service in Russia, to Russian Internet company Digital Sky Technologies Limited (DST) for 187.5 million dollars.

Yahoo! vows to fight Microsoft on new front

Yahoo! on Monday vowed to fight Microsoft on a new frontier, saying that having the software giant power its online searches won't stop it from battling for the devotion of Web surfers.

Review: Need advice? Aardvark can sniff it out

(AP) -- I like to get advice from friends on all sorts of things, and love to give it even more. In the past few years, instant messaging, e-mail and Twitter have sped up the process, but there's still room for improvement.

Google hoping Web surfers will ride its 'Wave'

(AP) -- Google Inc. is hatching a new species of e-mail and instant messaging, but the Internet search leader first wants the hybrid service to evolve even more with the help of independent computer programmers.

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