Study takes new approach on assessing benefits of food stamps

An extension of the current Farm Bill has delayed the debate over funding for SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. Nutrition programs, of which SNAP is the primary ...

Finding Chicago's food gardens with Google Earth

Urban agriculture is promoted as a strategy for dealing with food insecurity, stimulating economic development, and combating diet-related health problems in cities. However, up to now, no one has known how much gardening ...

Mining ' and Minding ' Her Ps and Qs

( -- Each time you connect to a secure website (say a bank’s website), you begin by downloading a certificate published by the site, which asserts that its Web address is legitimate. It also contains a public ...

Hackers dog LA police canine association

Members of hacker group Anonymous took credit Thursday for an online raid of the Los Angeles Police Canine Association and the posting of personal and potentially embarrassing information.

Hackers hijack Twitter accounts of Chavez critics

(AP) -- Over months, Venezuelan TV soap opera writer Leonardo Padron built a Twitter following of about 250,000 people by posting more than a dozen messages a day, many of them skewering President Hugo Chavez.

Food price spikes, volatility not the same issue

( -- When global food prices rose sharply starting in late 2010 and hit an all-time high in February, many leaders, including the presidents of the World Bank and of France, spoke about the increases and conflated ...

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