Australia's deadly redback spiders invade NZealand

Australia's deadly redback spider has established itself in New Zealand, posing a significant risk to humans as it threatens to colonise major cities, researchers have found.

'Stick men' may be rendered obsolete in insect world

( -- Male stick insects are becoming increasingly redundant, with new research showing some New Zealand female stick insects can reproduce as efficiently on their own as with a male mate.

Scientists hope tiny insect can help save soybeans

(AP) -- An insect no bigger than a comma is being studied as a natural predator that farmers could use instead of chemicals to protect the nation's soybean crop from aphids.

Study assesses impact of fish stocking on aquatic insects

The impact fish stocking has on aquatic insects in mountain lakes can be rapidly reversed by removing non-native trout, according to a study completed by U.S. Forest Service and University of California, Davis, scientists.

Biodegradable mulch films on the horizon

In 1999, more than 30 million acres of agricultural land worldwide were covered with plastic mulch, and those numbers have been increasing significantly since then. With the recent trend toward "going green", researchers ...

Gene-engineered flies are pest solution

For the first time, male flies of a serious agricultural pest, the medfly, have been bred to generate offspring that die whilst they are still embryos. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology describe the ...

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