Developing nanoprobes to detect neurotransmitters in the brain

The animal brain consists of tens of billions of neurons or nerve cells that perform complex tasks like processing emotions, learning, and making judgments by communicating with each other via neurotransmitters. These small ...

How the 'Kimchi premium' on crypto affects overseas remittances

The "Kimchi premium" is a term used to refer to the gap between the price of bitcoins in South Korean versus Western exchanges. This difference, which was first observed in 2016, is caused due to the high demand for a limited ...

Rate of scientific breakthroughs slowing over time: Study

The rate of ground-breaking scientific discoveries and technological innovation is slowing down despite an ever-growing amount of knowledge, according to an analysis released Wednesday of millions of research papers and patents.

Microscopic chains that mimic DNA

Circular polycatenanes are chains that can move and change shape: they twist, stretch and wrap around themselves. Three physicists of the European Eutopia Cost network, coordinated by UniTrento, have dedicated themselves ...

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