Scientists discover planetary system orbiting Kepler-47

News flash: The Milky Way galaxy just got a little weirder. Back in 2011 astronomers were amazed when NASA's Kepler spacecraft discovered a planet orbiting a double star system.  Such a world, they realized, would have double ...

Planets around other stars are like peas in a pod

An international research team led by Université de Montréal astrophysicist Lauren Weiss has discovered that exoplanets orbiting the same star tend to have similar sizes and a regular orbital spacing. This pattern, revealed ...

Kepler finds first multi-planet system around a binary star

NASA's Kepler mission has found the first multi-planet solar system orbiting a binary star, characterized in large part by University of Texas at Austin astronomers using two telescopes at the university's McDonald Observatory ...

Zooming into the sun with Solar Orbiter

Solar Orbiter's latest images shows the full sun in unprecedented detail. They were taken on 7 March, when the spacecraft was crossing directly between the Earth and sun.

First evidence discovered of planet's destruction by its star

( -- The first evidence of a planet's destruction by its aging star has been discovered by an international team of astronomers. The evidence indicates that the missing planet was devoured as the star began expanding ...

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