Scientists offer perspectives on cavitation science

A type of damage in soft materials and tissue called cavitation is one of the least-studied phenomena in physics, materials science and biology, say expert observers. But strong evidence suggesting that cavitation occurs ...

Newspaper 'hierarchy' of injury glamorises war

British newspapers are routinely glamorising combat by creating a moral separation between combat and non-combat injuries, according to new research published in the journal Media, War and Conflict.

Two killed as storm lashes Spain

Freezing winds, heavy snow and rain lashed parts of Spain Monday, killing two people, forcing the closure of schools and disrupting travel, officials said.

New spray gel could help take the bite out of frostbite

Mountaineers and winter sports enthusiasts know the dangers of frostbite—the tissue damage that can occur when extremities, such as the nose, ears, fingers and toes, are exposed to very cold temperatures. However, it can ...

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