Researchers lay out a path to saving the Mekong Delta

Nearly 20 million people live in Southeast Asia's Mekong Delta, which is also the source of 7–10% of internationally traded rice. But the delta will be nearly entirely underwater by the end of the century if water management ...

Cloud-computing platform for robots launched

( —Researchers of five European universities have developed a cloud-computing platform for robots. The platform allows robots connected to the Internet to directly access the powerful computational, storage, and ...

US launches effort to ease 'spectrum crunch'

US regulators voted Friday to begin a process to reallocate some of the broadcast spectrum to meet surging demand from smartphones, tablets and other devices that use the wireless Internet.

Tests show wireless network could jam GPS systems

New government test results show that a proposed high-speed wireless broadband network being launched by a company called LightSquared could jam GPS systems used for aviation, public safety, military operations and other ...

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