Subaru telescope discovers a Rosetta Stone cluster of galaxies

An international team of researchers led by Ichi Tanaka from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has discovered an aggregate of galaxies undergoing a burst of star formation that may hold the key to understanding ...

The 'flame' burns bright in new WISE image

( -- A new image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, shows the candle-like Flame nebula lighting up a cavern of dust. The Flame nebula is part of the Orion complex, a turbulent star-forming ...

A whirlpool 'Warhol' from NASA's Spitzer telescope

Unlike Andy Warhol's famous silkscreen grids of repeating images rendered in different colors, the varying hues of this galaxy represent how its appearance changes in different wavelengths of light—from visible light to ...

1000 days of infrared wonders

( -- For the last 1000 days the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), aboard NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, has been operating continuously to probe the universe from its most distant regions to our local solar neighborhood. ...

The cosmic infrared background

( -- The cosmic infrared background is the collective infrared radiation emitted by cosmic sources throughout the history of the universe, including sources inaccessible to current telescopes. The latter category, ...

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