Stickers and a smartphone for easy nitrite detection on foods

Nitrates and nitrites give processed meats their characteristic pink color and robust flavor. Although many consumers want to limit consumption of these preservatives because the substances can form potentially cancer-causing ...

Ant colonies behave like neural networks when making decisions

Temperatures are rising, and one colony of ants will soon have to make a collective decision. Each ant feels the rising heat beneath its feet but carries along as usual until, suddenly, the ants reverse course. The whole ...

A car called Keith: Why we give objects human characteristics

Why do we yell at our computer when it struggles to work? Why do some cars look like they're smiling? Why does your guitar seem free-spirited? This is because of our innate human tendency for anthropomorphism: the ascription ...

The Spatial Mouse Atlas: New insights into cell fate

High-resolution gene expression maps have been combined with single-cell genomics data to create a new resource for studying how cells adopt different identities during mammalian development. The Spatial Mouse Atlas is the ...

Factors linked to college aspirations, enrollment, and success

A recent study has identified certain factors associated with a greater likelihood that a high school student will decide to attend college, enroll in college the fall semester immediately following high school graduation, ...

Big dogs face more joint problems if neutered early

Heavier mixed-breed dogs have higher health risks if neutered or spayed early, according to a new study from researchers at the University of California, Davis. The study found mixed-breed dogs weighing more than 44 pounds ...

Satellite observations improve earthquake monitoring, response

Researchers at the University of Iowa and the U.S. Geological Survey have found that data gathered from orbiting satellites can provide more accurate information on the impact of large earthquakes, which, in turn, can help ...

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