Related topics: security

US tax season fuels surge in email scams

As the US tax season draws to a close, authorities are warning of an alarming rise in "phishing" scams designed to steal sensitive personal and financial information.

Homeland Security begins sharing cyberthreats with business

The Homeland Security Department on Thursday formally began sharing details of new digital threats with private business and other government agencies, a culmination of a longtime effort to improve cybersecurity.

Pentagon plans huge, swift upgrade to Windows 10

The Department of Defense is embarking on a program to update millions of its computers to Windows 10, an unusually quick move for one of Microsoft's massive government customers.

New study explores the mind of a cyberterrorist

A new study by Max Kilger, director of Data Analytics Programs at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Business, is delving into an aspect of cybersecurity rarely explored before now: the human component. ...

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