Three of tech's top CEOs to skip Obama cybersecurity summit

The top executives of Google Inc., Yahoo! Inc. and Facebook Inc. won't attend President Barack Obama's cybersecurity summit on Friday, at a time when relations between the White House and Silicon Valley have frayed over privacy ...

Let hackers in: Experts say traps might be better than walls

Ever since the Internet blossomed in the 1990s, cybersecurity was built on the idea that computers could be protected by a digital quarantine. Now, as hackers routinely overwhelm such defenses, experts say cybersecurity is ...

All governments hack secret data, Huawei says

Using the Internet to spy and steal sensitive data is standard practice by all countries, according to the security chief of controversial Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

Union sues feds over hack, says agency had ample warning

The largest federal employee union filed a class action lawsuit Monday against the federal personnel office, its leaders and one of its contractors, arguing that negligence contributed to what government officials are calling ...

Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system

The agency that allowed hackers linked to China to steal private information about nearly every federal employee—and detailed personal histories of millions with security clearances—failed for years to take basic steps ...

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