Study: 'E-waste pollution' a threat to human health

In addition to its damaging effect on the environment and its illegal smuggling into developing countries, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverse effects on human health, such as inflammation and oxidative stress ...

Understanding disease states through math

Angela Reynolds, Ph.D., is in the business of translating math to biology and biology back to math. As an applied mathematician, she can turn chemical reactions into equations.

Could viruses be used to treat acne?

Watch out, acne. Doctors soon may have a new weapon against zits: a harmless virus living on our skin that naturally seeks out and kills the bacteria that cause pimples.

When parasites catch viruses

When humans have parasites, the organisms live in our bodies, co-opt our resources and cause disease. However, it turns out that parasites themselves can have their own co-habitants.

Carbon black nanoparticles can cause cell death

Researchers from the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine have found that inhaled carbon black nanoparticles create a double source of inflammation in the lungs.

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