Related topics: health

Billions of dollars on AIDS prevention: Did any of it work?

In January 2003, President George W. Bush asked Congress to back the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) with a $15 billion commitment "to turn the tide against AIDS." Congress agreed, and the program—which ...

Statistics can dispel global misconceptions, unveil truths

A few minutes before a recent lecture at Paine Hall, global health statistician Hans Rosling stood onstage, head down, and ran through his PowerPoint images. One showed the bespectacled Swede chest-deep in water. The caption ...

Analyzing the boundaries of privacy in a connected world

About five years ago, Catherine Tucker was pregnant with identical twins when she encountered a serious medical issue. Her unborn children were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a dangerous condition in which ...

Declining birthrates occur as economy shifts, attitudes don't

Call it the baby bust. Even as the world's population surpasses 7 billion, some countries are facing significant population declines. Mary Brinton's new research indicates that a complex clash between countries' gender norms ...

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