Study identifies gut bacteria that regulate cholesterol

Certain species of bacteria in the gut interact with and help balance levels of dietary cholesterol by using it to create a molecule that plays important roles in human health, according to a study published August 18 in ...

Tiny ear bones help archaeologists piece together the past

Archaeologists from the University of Bradford have examined ear ossicles taken from the skeletons of 20 juveniles, excavated from an 18th and 19th century burial ground in Blackburn. They were chosen to represent those with ...

Mattresses could emit higher levels of VOCs during sleep

Hundreds of household items, including furniture, paint and electronics, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which at high levels can pose health risks. Now, researchers reporting in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology ...

3-D-printed device detects biomarkers of preterm birth

Preterm birth (PTB)—defined as birth before the 37th week of gestation—is the leading complication of pregnancy. If doctors had a simple, accurate and inexpensive way to identify women at risk for the condition, they ...

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