Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat

To convert heat into electricity, easily accessible materials from harmless raw materials open up new perspectives in the development of safe and inexpensive so-called "thermoelectric materials." A synthetic copper mineral ...

COP27: Climate finance needs more transparency

At the 21st World Climate Conference (COP21) held in Paris in 2015, all countries agreed for the first time to limit climate change with their own reduction targets for greenhouse gases. Before that, only the developed countries ...

Harnessing the building blocks of polymer recycling

Polymers are lightweight, durable, and easily processed into fabricated parts, features that promoted polymers to become the most relevant class of engineering materials by volume. However, recycling polymers is a challenge ...

A lasting impact: Microplastics settling into soil

Whether we like it or not, plastic is a major part of our lives. The production and use of plastics has been found to create a problem because "microplastics" are accumulating in our soils.

Study shows hazardous herbicide chemical goes airborne

"Dicamba drift"—the movement of the herbicide dicamba off crops through the atmosphere—can result in unintentional damage to neighboring plants. To prevent dicamba drift, other chemicals, typically amines, are mixed with ...

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