Study finds tourism industry pays lowest wages nationwide

Florida's booming tourism industry is the state's leading industry with an annual economic impact of $86 billion supporting 1.5 million jobs, yet new research from Florida State University reveals wages for hospitality workers ...

Robots break new ground in construction industry

As a teenager working for his dad's construction business, Noah Ready-Campbell dreamed that robots could take over the dirty, tedious parts of his job, such as digging and leveling soil for building projects.

Gossip influences who gets ahead in different cultures

Gossip influences if people receive advantages whether they work in an office in the U.S. or in India—or even in a remote village in Africa, a Washington State University study found.

Right-to-work laws endanger workers

Right-to-work laws not only hurt labor unions financially, they also may jeopardize worker safety, says a University of Michigan researcher.

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