Sociology professor examines pandemic effect on restaurants

As the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown continues, restaurants everywhere are feeling the impact. Many closed or switched to curbside and takeout options. But others have been on a months-long roller coaster—opening as virus ...

Dutch construction workers protest environmental rules

Thousands of Dutch construction workers converged on The Hague on Wednesday to protest restrictions they say are crippling their industry, the latest large-scale demonstration against the government's environmental policies.

The future of work will still include plenty of jobs

There is now widespread anxiety over the future of work, often accompanied by calls for a basic income to protect those displaced by automation and other technological changes.

Study finds tourism industry pays lowest wages nationwide

Florida's booming tourism industry is the state's leading industry with an annual economic impact of $86 billion supporting 1.5 million jobs, yet new research from Florida State University reveals wages for hospitality workers ...

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